PUBG Mobile Gameplay Tips

Whether you're in a team or alone, here are some tips to help you through the game.


Best clothing for PUBG characters:

This is not a fashion show, it is a battle scene, so think tactically.

Muted shades and natural camouflage give you a tactical advantage. With the snowy Vikendi card you want lighter colors - so that white shirt is actually useful.

If you do not have good clothing, strip in the collection area:

This is a bit weird, but when you start a game, you have a minute or so in the collection area. You can drop your clothes and maybe others will trade. You can then sweep a better set of clothes. Ok, sometimes it does not happen, but sometimes you get a good set of discussions!

There are clothes in the collection area:

A tower and some crates have been added to the collection area at Spawn Island. You have about 1 minute while you wait to start the game and there are some clothes that you can collect on the top of one of the crates (next to the barrels). You'll have to make big leaps to get there, and it's tricky, but you can buy a cool jacket and pants for yourself. If you spawn on the card (as was the case in version 8), there are no treats for you (which we have found).

Choose your moment to jump off the plane:

PUBG Mobile plots the path of the plane over the map, so you can see where you fly over. It also indicates how many people are still on board, so you have a general idea of ​​the distribution on the map. With this information you can choose your INFIL point, avoiding areas with other players. Larger cities attract more jumpers, so if you want to die, jump into a city.

Free fall with speed:

As soon as you get off the plane, you push your controller and dive to the ground. This will get you to the ground faster, so that you do not drift away while others collect weapons and prepare you to slaughter you. Your parachute opens automatically, so you do not have to worry about that.

Open your parachute early to fly over the map:

If you are out of the plane and you see masses of people already falling, you may want to be somewhere else. Pop your parachute manually, and you can drift a long way over the map to another area. Remember, however, that while you are drifting, others are gathering.

Master the card:

The card is your best friend because it shows you the playing field, which decreases in the course of the game. You have to stay in this area, otherwise you will die slowly. Place a marker on the map and you will see it in your compass to help you navigate to a safe place. You may need to zoom in as the game progresses, especially in the last phase.

Avoid the red zone:

The map also shows the red zone, which is an artillery barrage. If you are in the red zone, chances are that you will be hit, but if you are in a building, you can try it out.

Protect yourself with automatic pick-up:

your baseball cap looks great, but a helmet stops your head splitting like a melon (usually). Grab that protective equipment so that you can get a bit more damage. Make sure that automatic recording is enabled and you replace the kit with items with a higher rating when you find it.

Get the right weapons for the job:

The weapons in PUBG Mobile work like real weapons: shotguns and pistols are only good for short distances, SMGs are great in confined spaces if you want to quickly throw a lot of fire, the assault rifles are good all-rounders. An assault rifle and an SMG is a great combination, two pistols is not. Version 6 has added the arsenal where you can see the characteristics of all weapons and mods.

What is the best weapon in PUBG?:

Well, the short answer is the oppressed Uzi with extended may for things from the nearby area - if you come face to face with someone, you can clear 30 laps while they try to to target . Otherwise, the SCAR with a scope is hard to beat - it controls the backlash, so it's pretty easy to put a burst on the target. For sniping, the AWM is clearly the choice, but it only appears in air drops - so the most common SKS is great - if you can find that 6x or 8x range. A silencer always helps.

Collect sights:

Many of the weapons are customizable and holo images and scopes make it much easier to hit the target. At the beginning of the game you hand-pick the sights and ranges to be found, so that they attach themselves to weapons that you collect. Bingo, you drop bad guys quickly. If you have spare parts, share them with your team.

Empty your backpack:

If you have a lot of stuff you do not need, fill your bag so that there is less room for things you need. Tap on your backpack to view the contents and then drop the things you do not need, like ammunition for a weapon that you have dropped. You can also do this while running or in a vehicle.

Put weapons manually:

Automatic recording sometimes means that you drop your scoped silenced SMG for a gun, which you may not want. Open the backpack as above and you can drag a weapon to the trash can to drop it. You can then get the desired load.

Exchange sights about your guns:

You will automatically add sights to some guns, but you have the option to equip a certain weapon with a certain accessory. Put the 6x-scope on your 7.62 mm weapons, because they have more power and range, so are better for sniping. Avoid large magnifications on SMGs - they are better at fighting up close, where you simply want a holographic view. The 8x view will only attach to sniper rifles.

Horde faces so that your enemy can not have them:

If you encounter an 8x telescope but do not have a gun, take it anyway. Otherwise the person behind you may just be able to shoot behind. You can pass it on to teammates later in the game, otherwise you might find that gun.

Use silencers:

Stealth is your friend in PUBG, because gunfire is on the map for nearby enemies. Low-noise weapons make it more difficult for other players to locate you - there are silencers for many types of weapons (AR, sniper, SMG, gun) but you might have to manually add it to your weapon once you've found it if you already have weapons have mounted a compensator. Silencers do not change the ballistic properties of weapons. Some sniper rifles like the SKS take the AR silencer, so it's worth playing.

Where can I find the ghillie suit?

A ghillie suit is what wear snipers for camouflage. Unfortunately it only arrives in air drops, so you have to take a risk to get the suit.

Lie down when you rapt a coffin:

If you kill someone, you can attack the coffin they drop for more items. Lie down when you do it, otherwise someone else in the area will see the green cloud of smoke and then you snip while standing there to select a new pair of shoes.

Master sprinting:

Moving quickly over the map, sprinting is often the way to do it. You can lock the sprint by tapping the active icon next to the card. Then you can run and look at the card, drink or whatever.

Drink energy drink for a speed boost:

You collect energy drinks in the game. These give you a slow energy recovery (about 23 percent), but if you pull down two cans, you also get a speed boost. Do you have to run from a building? Do you want to reach the game zone? Neck a few Energy Drinks before you leave.

Use adrenaline, energy drink or painkillers to survive outside the playground:

Sometimes you are caught outside the playground looking for a vehicle. Charge an adrenalin kick and it will continue to help you to restore and slow down the energy-related effects outside the playing area. It is a great tactic when you land miles of the playing zone and have to come to safety.

Dash, down, crawl, observe, sights, fire:

It is a standard infantry exercise that really works - much better than jumping and shooting repeatedly. If you take fire, move and hit the deck, keep moving and the enemy will lose you. Then you have to locate the enemy, see the eyes, hit the target and neutralize them. Simple. (But sometimes you just get dead.)

Swim under water:

You have a pretty good lung in PUBG and usually they let you swim on things like rivers under water. Do this because you can not be seen and you will not be shot. If you swim on the surface, you are an easy target. Also check the exit of the water when you are slow, so again, easy to photograph.

Do not jump out of fast moving vehicles:

Yes, you're going to die. Do not attempt to crash because your vehicle will be damaged. If you lose a tire, he will not drive as well.

Be careful when using vehicles for coverage:

Vehicles can explode, including boats and even the armored car. If you use it as cover, the enemy will shoot it until it explodes, probably killing you. The opposite applies - shoot the vehicles of your enemy.

Collect medikits, always:

You are shot and you can often recover from it with some medical attention. Retrieve medical supplies because they are often more useful to you than grenades.

Remember that the goal of the game is to survive:

If you want to win, you can do so almost by collecting your weapons, staying out of trouble and killing the last few people. The goal is not to kill most people, it is to be the last player to stand. Hiding and staying out of trouble is a good way to do that.

Beware of the bridges:

If the play space becomes smaller, you will notice that you have to cross one of the bridges. Beware, because these are natural ambushes, with cars that are used to block bridges so that you can not just race through them. If there are people on the bridge, you can swim better - directly under the bridge often makes it easy. When you get caught on the bridge, you go over the edge to get out of the kill zone.

Use first aid:

There are links and medikits in the game. The medical sets are essential for recovery after taking a few photos. If you find the painkillers, they will give you a gradual recovery of health, which means that you can drop them and get moving.

How to kill yourself in PUBG Mobile:

Maybe you just want to end everything. You can not shoot yourself, but you can kill yourself with a grenade, jump from a moving vehicle, fall from a high cliff or drown if you spend too long under water. We are not sure why you would want to do this, but at least you know that now.


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