PUBG Mobile Gaming Modes

There are more and more ways to play PUBG Mobile, with each update offering a new approach. Although the classic game remains the same, the Arcade mode has changed in many ways. Here is an overview of the current game modes in PUBG Mobile.

Everything here is accessible via the button under the start button. Here you configure the game type you are going to play and how.

Select Different Map:

From version 10 there are four cards: Erangel, Miramir, Sanhok and Vikendi. You will find the option to select the card as soon as you click on the button for the game type. If you select everything, you will be randomly selected for you. Different maps have different terrain, dimensions and a number of exclusive weapons or vehicles.

How to select Solo, Duo or Squad games:

You can choose to play one of the game modes alone, as a pair or in a squadron with four players, this option is just below the cards. There are daily missions for different types of games, so it's worth to mix it up. Sometimes you just want to destroy everyone, sometimes you want a team.

How to select the first person or third person mode:

The first person perspective (FPP) gives you a different view. At the top of the game mode selector you will see the option for FPP or TPP (perspective of a third person). Both game views are arranged separately, so make sure you play both.

Find teammates who speak your language:

This is a new addition from version 9. Instead of being dumped with a team that speaks another language, there is now an option to select two languages ​​as preferred. That will try to help you so that you can at least easily communicate. It is in the game mode selection area, as above, but we have not found it particularly effective.

Classic mode

Select Classic for the game with more than 100 players. This is the original PUBG Mobile experience, played with a full selection over the entire map. You can change the teams and the card for classic games. We still think Classic is the best, with games that take about 25-30 minutes (if you are a winner).

Arcade modes

There are several Arcade modes:

War, Quick Match, Sniper Training and Mini-Zone. You can make a random selection or choose which one you want to play.

What is PUBG War?

The war mode is a continuous respael fight, with teams aiming for 100 points. There are 3 points for a murder, 1 point for a knockout, 1 point for a revive. You play and respawn until a team wins. The weapon selection is usually limited to one type and everyone starts with a weapon and the same kit.

What is Quick Match?

The original arcade mode, this is a game of 8 minutes in a small part of the card, usually with a weapon theme, such as shotguns or SMGs. It is as long as you can survive in this mode.

What is Sniper Training?

We all like long weapons, right? Sniper training is a game of only 15 minutes with sniper weapons.

What is Mini-Zone?

Mini-Zone is only available on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays and it gives you a smaller portion of the card to play in, but with a full selection of people and more frequent air drops. It is a bit more outrageous than classic, but the same feeling. It is one of our favorite game modes.


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